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Legal Notice

Content and Design


The website is edited by the company Fralap :
6 chemin de la porte rouge 41000 Blois, France
Publication manager: Antoine Teixeira de Carvalho

Design and Hosting

Creation and Development :

Antoine Teixeira de Carvalho
6 Chemin de la porte rouge, 41000 Blois
+33 644057548

Hosting on WordPress

OVH Group SAS, company registered at RCS of Lille with the number 537 407 926 sise 2,
rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.

Intellectual property

The present website and all of its content, including texts, still or animated images, databases, etc., are protected by copyright. Printing on paper is authorized for the purpose of private copying for the exclusive use of the copier within the meaning of Article L. 122-5 2° of the Intellectual Property Code. Any other use not expressly mentioned herein is not allowed (Articles L335-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code) and requires the express written and prior consent of Fralap. Outside of the uses expressly granted above, you are not allowed, in particular, to reproduce visuals or logos and create hyperlinks to any element of the website other than the homepage.

Use of content and information on the website

Users of this website are required to comply with the provisions of the law related to Information Technology, Files, and Civil Liberties, the violation of which may result in criminal sanctions. In particular, they must refrain, with regard to personal information presented on the site, from any collection, any misuse, and, in general, from any act that may infringe upon the privacy or reputation of individuals.

Hypertext Links

The present website may contain hyperlinks to other sites that have not been developed by Fralap. The presence of a hyperlink on the website leading to another Internet site does not imply validation of that other site or its content. In any case, Fralap cannot be held responsible for the content, as well as the products or services offered on the sites to which the website is linked by hyperlinks or any other type of links. The establishment of a hyperlink to the website requires prior written authorization from Fralap. The Publisher reserves the right to have this link removed at any time without having to justify its decision.


The user undertakes not to engage in any manipulation that could cause computer, functional, or any other kind of failure affecting the operation of the website or any server or service accessible through the site. You agree, in particular, to provide in the space provided by the site only reliable, harmless, and non-disruptive information, data, documents, files, to comply with national and international laws and regulations in force, as well as the rights of third parties, not to harm the image of Fralap in any way and in any form. You use the website at your sole and entire responsibility. Fralap cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damages, such as, notably, material damage, loss of data or programs, financial loss, resulting from the use of this site or sites linked to it.

Protection of personal data and use of cookies

Consult the Privacy Policy

All personal data collected on the site is treated with the utmost confidentiality. We remind you that you have the right to access, modify, rectify, and delete the data concerning you (Article 34 of the « Informatique et Libertés » law of January 6, 1978).

To exercise this right, please contact: Fralap, 6 Chemin de la porte rouge, 41000 Blois,


Fralap disclaims any warranty or liability regarding the specific or general information accessible on the site. This information is provided for purely indicative purposes. Transactions carried out through the site are solely the responsibility of the user’s relationship with tourism service providers. Fralap cannot, under any circumstances, be held responsible for any reason whatsoever for the services subject to connection and, if applicable, transactions, their quality, and their content in any form, as well as any information provided by any supplier regarding the services. The publisher does not guarantee or vouch for the solvency or fulfillment of commitments, the quality of services, and their conformity. Therefore, Fralap cannot, under any circumstances, be held responsible for any damage, of any kind, incurred, if applicable, by any user in connection with the provision of services.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These General Terms of Use are subject to French law. In the event of a dispute and failing an amicable agreement, the dispute will be brought before the French courts in accordance with the applicable rules of jurisdiction.


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